
Thumbnail of the map 'speeeen'

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Author farva
Tags action author:farva playable rated
Created 2006-12-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description just pure fun..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hide and Seek!' Thumbnail of the map 'good luck' Thumbnail of the map 'mirror image' Thumbnail of the map 'boredom' Thumbnail of the map 'Back and Forth' Thumbnail of the map 'WEEEEEEEE!!'
Hide and Seek! good luck mirror image boredom Back and Forth WEEEEEEEE!!


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Demo Data


i liked the thumps part.
Demo Data

That beginning part

was just plain cool. The rest, though, is a no fun mine jumper with lots of unnecessary clustering and lag.

lag+mine jumper=very annoying map

I'll give 2 points for the creativity of the beginning, though. 2/5


Tons of enemies that you didn't need, plus clustering, plus no challenge(s).


Demo Data


REALLY excessive use of objects and the first part lags a lot and the last part is nearly impossible and frustrating.

But the middle section is OK. Not a good map, not horrible, but MAN, use a lot less objects for everyone's sake.
Pure pointlessness... If that's a word. It just wasn't fun, andd the thwump's, mines and launchpads aren't need in such large amounts.
I'm not gonna rate...