The Reflex

Thumbnail of the map 'The Reflex'

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Author Sendy
Tags action author:sendy playable rated
Created 2005-05-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A slightly puzzley action level. This is the last level I'll ever make in the old NED.

Goodbye, old NED, we salute thee. Thou hast serveth us well.

There's a blind trap in this level, but it's near the beginning, and it's original and kinda funny.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Diabolika' Thumbnail of the map 'Obfuscate' Thumbnail of the map 'Sensor' Thumbnail of the map 'Underground River (Round the block)' Thumbnail of the map 'Lucidious' Thumbnail of the map 'Bavarian Fire Drill'
Diabolika Obfuscate Sensor Underground River (Round the block) Lucidious Bavarian Fire Drill


Pages: (0)

Beat it.

SOO long.


Demo Data

Cool :)

Thanks for the review Coldcut. I thought people wouldn't like this as it's kinda oldskool and blocky. Plus it's quite long. But I tried not to make it too hard. Glad you enjoyed it.


amazing map. i made a map like this. your map blows mine away. i got an all-gold win without hitting any mines! and i feel so special. no demo. i didnt really cheat but i did die a few times from those thwumps. there hard to predict. great map this was very entertaining. i spent like a half hour playing this thing