The Keys!

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Author mitch
Tags author:mitch dda rated
Created 2005-05-14
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Everybody's been there.
Your in a rush, the house is a mess and you can't find the bloody keys. Wacth someone else battle it out for a change.

- By the way, can i get some feedback coz this is my first DDA. It's not a short one either.

Other maps by this author

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Arabian Nights Jones, Indiana thwump buster pro Colloseum Faith Fizzle


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its when you have a small period of invincibility from a launchpad, like... less than a second. so if a rocket hit you while you were on a launchpad, you wouldnt die


I'm not so familiar with the cheat death system, but i'm working on it. I've seen a lot of DDA's that people say they spend 20 hrs on and only last 30secs, whereas this took me 2 hrs and it goes for a few mins. But otherwise yeah, cheating death is pretty cool


you know what i liked it . . . u might have gone abit jump pad happy though use some trap doors and stuff like that to cut down on the junp pads . . . CHEAT DEATH u need to cheat death stalll out jumps more so that you cheat death . . . if u do that it would rock . . . good luck