missiles, mines, and thwumps

Thumbnail of the map 'missiles, mines, and thwumps'

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Author IZ
Tags author:iz playable race rated
Created 2007-03-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This might not be a very challenging map, it is my first map and took me 6 hours. If you're going to comment on the map or rate it, please, try it first.


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What happened here?

Demo Data


not the best race map but not the worst


not the best race map but not the worst

i didnt like it

the beginning was pointless and there was too much clumping. 2/5


all gold is used, if you play it right. the gold is there for delay. the launch pads are to keep you moving, and they are mostly all in one area.

Im already remaking the map. it will have more enemies, flow better, and will have some lasers scattered throughout. it will be alot more fun, i guarantee.

i noticed that the flow was a bit off, but im going to fix that too.

wow u noobs

Here is a couple hints for your future maps. Hopefully it helps

1. clumping
2. not challenging
3. unnessesary objects (goes along with clumping)
4. flow was ok, but a little awkward if u kno what i mean
5. not all gold is used (i might have playde it wrong)

i hope this helps your maps in the future.

except for mine cluttering and jump pad cluttering, just work on making it look nice and make it more fun for the player (close calls, challenging stuff, etc...)


clumping, and useless beginning, could have been way faster
but clumping waste of loading time


sorry about caps but I felt like screaming.


a lot of things were goin wrong, and i kep on destroying half of the map(even when it was near completion) just because i didnt like how it flowed. I was also trying to throw in more enemies. im planning on resubmitting this map, but ill make it alot harder first, so there will be more challenge to it.

i want to know

how in the world it takes 6 hours to make a numa map. like, seriously now.