The American Flag Race

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Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon playable race unrated
Created 2007-04-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description very very short race... no enemies... mainly made for tileset... its my first one so go easy on me... open to constructive critisizm, post demos, and so on. enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Checkerboard Race 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Race to the Finish' Thumbnail of the map 'The 10x10' Thumbnail of the map 'to flow... or not to flow....' Thumbnail of the map 'Flow is a four letter word...(resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Can we say... flowy?'
Checkerboard Race 2 Race to the Finish The 10x10 to flow... or not to flow.... Flow is a four letter word...(resub) Can we say... flowy?


Pages: (0)

Nice race

You should get rid of the cheatability shown in demo.

Demo Data

what do you mean...

by one ways? like... where he can go only one way or what?

Try using one-ways instead of building floors with trap doors.
and rough tilesets.. (thats my advice at least.