Death of a Ninja

Thumbnail of the map 'Death of a Ninja'

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Author z33r0
Tags author:z33r0 dda rated
Created 2007-04-20
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description i must admit, i dont like cheating death but i felt like it. I must also admit its not my best map but it was fun to make. Finally one edited launchpad was used and you have to use this in demo mode.

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hyperdrive hydraulics Fault Line Troublemaker Vertical heights Edgy


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the frame that N is suppossed to die (ergo, when hes hit by the actual rocket or thwump) he hits a launchpad. If you were playing this in user mode, N would have just become undead and wouldn't be able to interact with anything.
What i don't get is why this map has such a low rating, 2? atleast a 3 people!


I don't get it. Why doesn't the ninja die when he gets zapped or hit by a rocket?

My rating:

Close calls: Very nice, cheating death is about as close as you can get. But it sort of degrades quality... 4/5
Propulsion: Launchpads and gold delay? NO. 1/5
Fun-to-watch: Interesting, but not really all that great. 3/5
Space usage: I didn't see a corner you didn't use. 3/3
Bonus for multiple cheating deaths +0.5

11.5/18 ~ 3.5/5. Close enough estimate.
too many launchpads, you used an edited launchpad, you used too much gold delay so it would be easier to cheat death, and it got really boring after the first half



Sorry but it was kinda off.
1. Too much gold delay
2. Edited launchpads (You say you hate them)
3. Boring
4. Not many close calls

I reckon 2.5/5
But there was too much gold delay. 3.5/5

Hey Man

That's pretty cool. I first didn't read your entire description and tried it in the actual user-level mode. Anyway, once I tried it in editor, that makes for a whole different type of DDA. If you're looking for a challenging level give my 'Fly!' a try. (sorry it's not a DDA)