orb of life

Thumbnail of the map 'orb of life'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author maranoman
Tags author:maranoman dda rated
Created 2007-05-16
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description my first map ever! i dont know how it will do feed back please


Pages: (0)

Umm.. 3

for the map +.5 for first map +.5 for first dda. Not many close calls. Okay, though.
i dont see it.
but it is still good

It is your best too.

nice map

like the way u use no launchpads

WOW --

this is a great start for you
You will go far on NUMA if you keep this up
I wish I knew you!

3.5 for this map
+.5 for no launchpads
+1 for first map

Very nice!

That's how I am. I have tons of my noob maps that I never submitted. Dial-up saved me from the ridicule many newcomers face ;). Anyway, good first post, 4.5/5

not first but...

its my first posted... i hav alot saved on my comp but they all stink

not first but...

its my first posted... i hav alot saved on my comp but they all stink

its great!

are you sure its your first map? it seems too good, not n00by at all...
great use of, well everything