
Thumbnail of the map 'Slant'

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Author defenderofint
Tags author:defenderofint dda rated
Created 2007-06-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description HOLD RIGHT DDA
This is not my first DDA, but it is my first map submitted onto NUMA.

The map originally was a simple test level involving flinging the ninja at those 30/60/90 right triangle tiles. After adding a few launchpads and rockets, I discovered a great close call and decided it was DDA time.

Yes, it is launchpad heavy, but I did try to use other propulsion when possible (I know that it\'s likely that no launch pads were necessary on the map though). The one nice thing about launchpads, for this map anyway, is that they are reusable. That came into play on a few occasions.

I left a bit of gold on the bounceblocks from the propulsion. It would have been deleted but I was afraid that the DDA would not work.

Like I said, it\'s my first DDA on NUMA, so constructive (not derogatory) criticism is appreciated. I\'m only expecting 2\'s or 3\'s, so don\'t feel bad for rating lower.


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not your computer. It's NUMA. In programming languages, " and ' are used to assign letters and numbers to string variables (otherwise when you tried to add the number 8 to a string, it would think it was an integer and ERROR!!!) the "\" is used to indicate that the next character typed is not part of the code. This way you can put a ' in a string variable without ending it.


really good but some slow parts with the thwumps up top
I know it's only two ratings, but I am amazed that this got a 5! About the "good visually" bit, I'm getting tired of the wide open DDA's that just throw in a few tiles for propulsion help or for blocking enemies. There's nothing wrong with them--many are amazing in detail and quality--I just happen to like tileset DDA's more.


Lots of close calls, good visually, I really liked it overall...



Same here

lol :-)


it was ok.
my computer leaves the "/" too. =D

Durned HTML...

Sorry about all the slashes in the description. Somehow my computer treats an apostrophe as the two characters "\'".