Security Deposit

Thumbnail of the map 'Security Deposit'

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Author mrgy05
Tags action author:mrgy05 playable rated
Created 2007-06-07
Last Modified 2007-06-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Well I played it a couple times and I like the ending flow, you have to go certain routes due to the laser and also getting the gold quicker. So please play and comment on how you like it!

P.S. Also CRED to Why_Me for the awesome tileset!

- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

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Crazy Race Project Four Times Majestic Unknown Substance Naive Core


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Remember kids,

Variety only comes in packs of 8.


Well the moment you change to C Snap, C is the problem, then you move to X... The change would be redundant, and although my maps having Z Snap a lot is also redundant, my general problem is that I hate to use grids, it makes everything seem too fixed or premade. This is all person preference of course and I do respect your opinion, I'm just not a X or C snap type of person.


But you use it so commonly that it has become a generic entity in your collection of maps. This is just an opinion, of course. It might be best to change things a little, though.


I think that Z snap is better than X and C any day, due to how commonly it's used.
This map is rather crowded, too.