
Thumbnail of the map 'Thunder'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags action author:amomentlikethis bitesized playable rated v1.4b x
Created 2007-06-24
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, do you know you're unlike any other, you'll always be my thunder, and I said...
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colours, I don't want to ever love another, you'll always be my thunder.
So bring on the rain, and bring on the thunder.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Think I can solve them...' Thumbnail of the map 'Untitled' Thumbnail of the map 'Heaven Wanderer' Thumbnail of the map 'A dedication - Numadev' Thumbnail of the map 'A dedication - Usaswim' Thumbnail of the map 'The Holey One'
Think I can solve them... Untitled Heaven Wanderer A dedication - Numadev A dedication - Usaswim The Holey One


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Very fun.

I love all the different paths you can take.

I love this guy!

Great map. Love its quirky tiling and I love that gauss placement.