Thumbnail of the map 'DETOUR'

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Author aderberry2
Tags author:aderberry2 jumper loopy medium playable race rated test timing
Created 2007-06-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

well kinda its not 2 challenging

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thwumpin puzzle' Thumbnail of the map 'escaping from the caves of hell' Thumbnail of the map 'HAZARD' Thumbnail of the map 'FIRST RACE' Thumbnail of the map 'metroid' Thumbnail of the map 'are you DIZZY yet'
thwumpin puzzle escaping from the caves of hell HAZARD FIRST RACE metroid are you DIZZY yet


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here's my 'bleh, this race has no flow at all,' demo:
Demo Data

Man, I'm

not sure if I want to even finish the rest of it....bleh....wasn't that good, walrus pretty much summed it up, I don't know what it is with Shikamaru92 and his 'rate all not perfect maps 5,' deal....I'm not saying this is terrible, I'm just saying it needs a lot of 'fixer-uppers,'

Man, I'm

not sure if I want to even finish the rest of it....bleh....wasn't that good, walrus pretty much summed it up, I don't know what it is with Shikamaru92 and his 'rate all not perfect maps 5,' deal....I'm not saying this is terrible, I'm just saying it needs a lot of 'fixer-uppers,'

First of all, it is not a jumper.
Second, It is barely even a race, because it barely has any flow. Work on making it flow faster without bumps.
Last, DON'T CLUSTER. This is one of the worst mistakes to make, but one of the easiest to correct. Don't make shapes out of mines (like that arrow), Don't put in way more mines than you need (bottom-right), and don't cluster enemies, like you did in the bottom-right with rockets. If you used 1 rocket instead of 9, there would be less loading and lag. Now, the rockets lag so much they don't even fire.


it is still very good i loved it. 5!


sorry to tell you but it is actually pretty easy

very cool.

i thoroughly enjoyed this level.


this is how you beat it
i messed up at one part many times but o well your lucky i even showed you at all....
Demo Data