Mutant Message From Forever

Thumbnail of the map 'Mutant Message From Forever'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action all-gold author:mechtradevil funky playable rated test
Created 2007-06-27
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description "At the age of thirteen, had she been given an intelligence test under nonprejudicial circumstances, she most clearly would have ranked at graduate school level. But the Mercy Sisters weren't interested in Beatrice's intelligence. They settled for a student who quietly kept herself entertained and no longer caused problems."

~ Marlo Morgan

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kissing the Shadows' Thumbnail of the map 'Romancing the Stone' Thumbnail of the map 'She Etches Herself into Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Face it, We're Stoned' Thumbnail of the map 'Carry Me Home' Thumbnail of the map 'Shockin ! Grotesq ! Horribl !'
Kissing the Shadows Romancing the Stone She Etches Herself into Rock Face it, We're Stoned Carry Me Home Shockin ! Grotesq ! Horribl !


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Death Demo

3.5/5 very relaxing, a little less action than I like, but still I think that it's fun.

(ARGH to Vista OS! It lags so much)
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missed one coin!
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here is another sloppy AGD...but i will race for it...starting tomorrow XD
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First time... so its slow and very sloppy... this map is alright... pretty easy... I was weirded out by the redundant extra door?... Ummm other than that a pretty easy and enjoyable level
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First time... so its slow and very sloppy... this map is alright... pretty easy... I was weirded out by the redundant extra door?... Ummm other than that a pretty easy and enjoyable level
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slow AGD

Nice map. i really like that part with gauss. 4/5
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First try AGD.

5serleveled. It's fresh, like those water-soaked lettuce heads they chop apart in those Hannaford commercials.
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AGD's would be great. Please rate and comment.
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