
Thumbnail of the map 'Sea'

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Author Tk_ArtS
Tags author:tk_arts rated
Created 2007-07-18
Last Modified 2007-07-18
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description okay this makes me mad all my maps have been sniped...
every single one of them.Please help me recover..
I once was a four ninja author .... now I am a three ninja.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication: Step A' Thumbnail of the map 'Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication:Step B' Thumbnail of the map 'Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication:StepC' Thumbnail of the map 'Instincts:1 (resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Cougar - Step A' Thumbnail of the map 'Cougar - Step B'
Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication: Step A Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication:Step B Bald Eagle July Fourth Dedication:StepC Instincts:1 (resub) Cougar - Step A Cougar - Step B


Pages: (0)


I hated it, it wasn't deserving of a 4.5 in my eyes.
I hate to say it - 2/5

Look at the thumbnail and see what's wrong with it.
Everyone's maps get sniped. Even the best of authors. I learned my lesson about ratings, and it is time you learn it too. Here is the lesson:

Ratings don't matter.


that came out a little meaner than I had wanted it to, but you get my point.


I take that back. 3 is "above average", and that seems to fit this.


I thought the eel thing was very cool, but the background was poorly done. 3.5


Nobody fucking cares about sniping. I am asking you right now, never mention it in hope of pity votes and anti-snipes again. Yeah, that shit happens. Or maybe, someone just didn't like your map! Whatever the matter, don't worry and complain about it. It happens to everyone, so just deal with it. The average rating of your map and how much it went down has absolutely no impact on how much people enjoyed it. And magicorange, stop anti-sniping. Rate the map based on the map, not the fact that poor Tk_ArtS got his maps sniped, if that was even the case. /rant

Top rated!

for now.


have talent. 4.5/5
I once made an awesome tileset of a 1up mushroom, and got sniped because they thought I used NTTS.

Anyway, very nice. 5/5.


No, really. This is cool. And ignore snipers. If people dig your maps, then that's what matters. I'll anti-snipe anyways, 5/5. You should put a bit more detail to the background, though.

Very good.

The eyes could have been bigger, IMO.

Please mind the constructive criticism above.
<prepares flame-shield>
So many of my maps are now 4/5 when they were 4.5...


like it, very much 5/5


Snipers ruin everything. Just ask my 12 formerly top-rated maps.