
Thumbnail of the map 'GhostNinja '

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Author SassyM
Tags author:sassym exprimental ghost hard invisible playable puzzle spirit unrated
Created 2007-08-11
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description **For the love of God, press "L" before playing!**

**This is a return-the favour map (RTF). Rate and comment and I will respond in kind. Thanks.

Can you help get N out of the shadow realm? There are many key differences between the shadow realm and, er, wherever the hell N usually is. The most important being that he's invisible. The other is that when you die there, you die permenantly. Rate and comment please. Not designed for gameplay, I am simply experimenting. Thanks go out to mr_pac for the kickass tileset.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'GraveYard' Thumbnail of the map 'Mines!' Thumbnail of the map 'DiveBomber' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly on the wall (resubmit)' Thumbnail of the map 'Cover' Thumbnail of the map '28 Days Later'
GraveYard Mines! DiveBomber Fly on the wall (resubmit) Cover 28 Days Later


Pages: (0)

what the hell

this level sucks

Nice Idea

4ish, yeh, 4. Gausses could be effective if used as well me thinks.

it's good.

but it didn't take a whole lot of time/effort because the tileset was made for you already. 3/5


I did credit mr pac! Dude, don't just miss the description all together and then give out to me!

no credit to mr_pac

you should credit it

p.s. this does not work on super levels and done b4