Alian Technology?

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Author Buckminsterfullerene
Tags author:buckminsterfullerene dda fast interesting rated thwump
Created 2007-08-17
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Fun, Fast DDA
Please rate and comment

Took a long time to make and is my first DDA, so please suggest improvements

Other maps by this author

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these people are right, vary the mechanisms. but since its your first try i bet you didnt know that :)


theres only 2 types of propulsion, good DDAs have 3 or 4 and 1 type of ur propulsion is the worst kind, launchpads. plus theres only like a few bits of gold, a good dda usualy has more.1.5/5

i thought

it was pretty cool
but it's crappy, reminds me of my old ones.
first there's no variety in propulsion, there is way too many tramps. and it's lacking enemies, no near death experiances.
go watch some damn good ones and get inspiration.
since it's ur first i'll be generous : 3.5

I agree

It's pretty good, but it's boring that you always use the same mechanism...

Also, it doesn't start automaticly. and when you push "left", it sometimes doesn't work...

Pretty Good

And since its ur first, ill give it a 4.