Thumbnail of the map 'STOP IT!'

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Author Bullet1994
Tags author:bullet1994 it playable please stop unrated
Created 2007-08-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a ded to TigerSlash-X who rated my map bad after i asked him not to and after he did said it was because that everyone is supposed to share their opinions. Well I dont give a shit, find another map to rate if your gonna do that. Here is where it stops, I'm gonna try to improve my maps but from now on Stop It.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Test Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Hide and Seek' Thumbnail of the map 'iNvasion' Thumbnail of the map 'The Cube' Thumbnail of the map 'Twitchy' Thumbnail of the map 'Think outside the box'
Test Race Hide and Seek iNvasion The Cube Twitchy Think outside the box


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Thanks for the ded.
good map=good rate.
bad map= bad rate.

ok its sorta fun

but don't go on about how people shouldn't rate your maps badly just cause you ask them not too. if its a bad map and you don't want it rated badly, either disable ratings, or don't submit it.
"Leik, omigawd!!! I dun wantz t3h peoples to raet mah map BADD, onli GUD VOTEZ PLZ KTHXBAI!!!!!!1"

If nobody rated maps according to their opinions, every map would be a 5/5.
Besides, ratings don't matter AT ALL. Only your mapping skill is what matters, and you've failed to realize that.

So piss off, stop crying, and get over yourself. Don't mourn a lost "/ninja.JPG" because someone sniped you. Try to get better so the number of people who love your map topples over one insignificant sniper.

Because it screws over the rating system.

It's called sniping.

And everyone has a

right to an opinion.

Oh, and completion.
Demo Data


There wouldn't be much point to a ratng system if people only ever rated maps they thought deserved a 4 or more. In fact, I cant see why you would want that at all, you'd get even less attention than you do now.
If people rate it good when they think it's bad, then you'll never get anywhere, because you'll think your bad maps are good, and you'll keep making bad maps.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. NUMA is not a communist nation. So, don't be a troll and let people who think your map is bad rate it bad. Mabye that is because it IS bad.