
Thumbnail of the map 'poopalaka'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sneaky_jimenez
Tags action author:sneaky_jimenez playable rated
Created 2007-08-18
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description (=

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'rag doll' Thumbnail of the map 'FRIKKIN EASY' Thumbnail of the map 'insecure' Thumbnail of the map 'stack the bodies high' Thumbnail of the map 'rabbit ears(simple chalenge)' Thumbnail of the map 'sidewalk singer'
rag doll FRIKKIN EASY insecure stack the bodies high rabbit ears(simple chalenge) sidewalk singer


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Neat map.
It's great to get input from you!


I'll do my best to get you banned.

and i definitely

agree with mechtradevil.
doesn't mean you have to swear and yell at the author about it. its not like you are required to complete it. just don't play it.


I don't really have a problem with you, so try and keep it that way. An easy map can still be a fun map. If you don't like a map, tell the author without being a dick and using all caps, and maybe offer some constructive criticism. If this is your example of "BETTER SHIT THAN THIS MAP" that you make "ALL THE TIME!!!!11!!!1!" then I suggest you take a little break from NUMA to concentrate on making a good map or two.

I believe I've actually seen three or four good maps from you, that I enjoyed playing. But unless you want to get permanently IP banned, I recommend you concentrate more on making your own enjoyable maps than openly sniping other's maps.