
Thumbnail of the map 'Pride'

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Author spudzalot
Tags action author:spudzalot playable rated sds sev-sins tileset
Created 2008-06-01
Last Modified 2008-06-01
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Im going to start the "Seven Deadly Sins" series (tags will be "sds" and "sev-sins"). The levels are all going to have this style of tileset but each a different theme. I'm going to try to have the themes match the word. I've got ideas for all of them except Envy and Lust, so if you got ideas for those ones tell me.

Pride - I didnt really have a good theme for pride so I just made this. Both the enemies are very effective and fun. I practiced my negative space tiles at the top too. If you look in the top right there is a bridge, its so cool <3


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Road Trip' Thumbnail of the map 'Spoken' Thumbnail of the map 'If Time Could Tell' Thumbnail of the map 'Avacados' Thumbnail of the map 'Chronicle' Thumbnail of the map 'Designator'
Road Trip Spoken If Time Could Tell Avacados Chronicle Designator


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fastest. Had a close call at the end! Ended up speeding me on though! Sound map
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Who did you think I was?

First try

I'm so proud of myself! :P

I really enjoyed playing this map. It's not as original as a lot of your others, but it's just plain old-fashioned fun. 4
Demo Data

oh well, still v.good map

fastest agd...

awesome lvl man...5/5 u deserve it ;)
Demo Data
not only are your tiles great, but i generally love/really enjoy your maps as a whole :)
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damn fine
Demo Data
Or maybe that sins lead to grief.

Sorry about the "XD" thing, I guess...

Oh gotcha

How are Seven Sins related to Grief?


I think he means

skyray's stages of greif stuff.

I didn't really enjoy this.

Yea i agree this is quite different, although it has some of the same characteristics of my maps, it is very well a completely different map all on it own. 5/5 great job.


Would you like to provide a link? I have played all of Skyrays maps and sure he did some city jumpers but I don't remember any looking quite like this...

A bit like Skyrays isn't it?
The switches are under there (besides the one you start on..)

Found it

Demo Data

Almost all gold

wheres the switch?
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