Thumbnail of the map ''

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Author Templex
Tags author:templex rated test
Created 2005-09-28
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description This map is a dedication for the destruction of phantom raters. Sniping is needless. And whoever's rating down my maps can speak up as to why they did so. It's sad though, it keeps on happening. Either way, this was more intended for other people being sniped as I don't really care about rates anymore, and it's always been that way for a really long time, whoever's sniping me and other people.

If you're going to rate down other people's maps without commenting, don't do it. THINK.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flowerless Rose' Thumbnail of the map 'Atto' Thumbnail of the map 'Aquasulfurious' Thumbnail of the map 'Liquescent BlobThing' Thumbnail of the map 'Radiosulfuride' Thumbnail of the map 'Wells' Rock'
Flowerless Rose Atto Aquasulfurious Liquescent BlobThing Radiosulfuride Wells' Rock


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great demo hop hop DEATH


Half tiles are fun. Though I was doing this trick before you were... Behold:

A demo to satisfy the violent person in you...
It's pretty funny what you can do in half tiles.
Demo Data


To anyone who suks my maps: I am not letting anyone rate my new one except by invitation. astro, you are another victim of phantom rating and you helped me with the "Roof" argument. Here is my "True Challenge" URL.
people rated down my dda "thwumpworks". fricken pisses me off. btw i love your maps. 4.5/5
its a little too hard ;)


Squeezing the ninja into a half-tile is a very effective way of killing him.


is it ok to rate peoples maps up without a


This is funny! I like these kinds of needly levels. 4.5/5
Demo Data