
Thumbnail of the map '-'

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Author apse
Tags action author:apse playable unrated
Created 2009-01-04
Last Modified 2009-01-04
Map Data

Description this is too abstract and odd for many people to like it.
therefore, i have disabled ratings.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'incoming leaves' Thumbnail of the map 'dead ahead' Thumbnail of the map 'the deadly squares' Thumbnail of the map 'Dud McFud' Thumbnail of the map 'Chubbs McGee' Thumbnail of the map '3000 rounds pm'
incoming leaves dead ahead the deadly squares Dud McFud Chubbs McGee 3000 rounds pm


Pages: (0)

I was asleep so I didn't get to respond earlier.

so uhh

whats so abstract/odd about this?

The left gold was really interesting, everything else, I found a bit easy.
Leftmost gold and the middlemost mine/tile formation were the most interesting. Next time, a bit more to do.
Demo Data


almost there

ok thanks

sort of an experiment into seeing how abstract a map can be before it gets stupid.
like the two exits a lot
liked the jumps and all
disliked rockets, but I hate pressure especially when pulling off even semi difficult moves

Wow its amazing

theres actually a quality map on the hotpage...
Theres nothing special about it ya know, no parts that are standout good, but a solid fun play. 4