Thumbnail of the map '31'

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Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx nnrpg playable rated
Created 2009-01-06
Last Modified 2009-01-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Neditor challenge against atob


Other maps by this author

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24 25 27 28 29 It's my birthday!!!


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Oh, I see...

This is how you get the top-right gold:


Also, I failed to mention last time that though I think this map could use some work aesthetically, and other minor details could easily be fixed (like trapdoors being in less annoying locations), but at its core, the gameplay is fun and pretty satisfying (though still a tad long), hence my 4/5.
Demo Data

How the hell

Do you get the top right gold?
The lasers are used well.
It's pretty long for my tastes. 3


i'm not exactly very creative, but i'll try actually naming maps

Oh and

You should start naming your maps again. The #'s thing was okay at first, but now it's lame.

Slow MGD

Everything's used pretty well here. The laser usage provides interesting challenges, especially when combined with the mines, which were neither too hard nor too easy. I don't like the gold patch at the top of the right wall because I can't figure out how to get it. That gold at the beginning is also more of a pain to get than it needs to be. And the map overall is longer than it needs to be. But overall, it was nice and enjoyable. 4/5
Demo Data

i agree.

gold was a little weird to get, but the laser positioning was awesome. 4/5ed


Very hard, gameplay is pretty good just a bit frustrating.

*slaps head*

I never saw the trapdoor >.< I would now give it a 4 if I hadn't already rated


just so you know, there was a trapdoor near the top-right corner, and i had to remove 3 quarter of the mines in that area to make it less of a pain in the ass
But it was placed well. The gameplay was solid, but not flawless (the column of one-ways nearest the exit annoyed the crap out of me). The tileset was nice and aided the gameplay. Overall, a 3.5/5


i usually make my maps slightly harder than most beginners can handle to satisfy my skill level as well as to (maybe im not sure) challenge some players that are better than me

It was descent

speed running it is very tough though, that beginning is hard, 4/5, great tileset and enemie choices, dont like the gold placement, but love the mine placement.