Smart Jumping

Thumbnail of the map 'Smart Jumping'

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Author anthony_s
Tags action agd author:anthony_s easy fun unrated
Created 2009-01-12
Last Modified 2009-01-12
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Get all the gold, fun map i thought. Tell me what you think and show me your demos. Thanks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Casual' Thumbnail of the map 'Caviak' Thumbnail of the map 'Run!' Thumbnail of the map 'Arch Landing' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Bungee Jumping'
Casual Caviak Run! Arch Landing Gold Run Bungee Jumping


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I thought frets was unbeatable lolol. NICE!
But it's the fastest so far.
Demo Data



you really map N_625 style. A style which I don't like. A style which isn't showed here as much as in your newer maps. Go more random and loose with the tiles.

Thanks, will do.


This is not bad but try to mix up your tiles a bit.


pretty slow cos

i got the gold in the wrong order
Demo Data


Frets's was good :o
and half as fast but at least i completed it
Demo Data

Lol *Regrets taking it out*


you are good Frets, ur demo is amazing =o.


I was trying to make a demo focusing on the jumping for gold kinda thing. The jumps were probably too easy though. Thanks for rate and comment.
generic and metanet-y, but fun, especially considering the lack of any /really/ threatening enemies, 3.5 down, would probably be a low four if it didn't feel so metanet-y, and had a more unique feel but. eh.
Demo Data