Race #2

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Author joshgiscool
Tags author:joshgiscool drones flow gold mines puzzle rated
Created 2009-05-01
Last Modified 2009-05-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My 2nd map, with tips from KlanKaos included to de-crap my map.
any constructive critisism would be cool.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Scrambled' Thumbnail of the map 'Mazy Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Hurry Up' Thumbnail of the map '^^' Thumbnail of the map '(this is awkward..)' Thumbnail of the map 'Race Against..(nothing.)'
Scrambled Mazy Run Hurry Up ^^ (this is awkward..) Race Against..(nothing.)


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But Kaos is right. All gold in a race should be obtained the first pass (more only if there is a reason to come back to that area like the flow of the map). It's okay to make the gold hard but it needs to follow another flow and be 'grabalbe' in one run.


I'm glad you had a look at the RacePack, it's a great thing. I'm following you now - you're one of like five or six I've done the epic post to, and you're the first one to take it seriously. =P
and yes, i got the race pack and realized that a big chunk of tile won't get me far.
as for the start, i've seen it done before and enjoy starting it out with a Bang.
thank you for the nugget of wisdo0m, and expect race #3 soon enough. ;]

That turned long.


You listened!

I'm so proud. =P

This one's better, for sure! There are still a few problems with it, but they're all quite minor compared to last time, and this isn't gonna be such an epic post as the last.

First off, there's the gold. I like its looks, but the thing I don't like about it is that you don't get it all if you follow the flow. Gold should be placed off the main flow, but there should still be flow to get it - in most of my favourites there's an AGD route and a speedrun route, though they're not always super different. You should still be able to flow through all the gold, just with a bit of a different, harder route.

I really liked the start - you must have downloaded the RacePack or checked out the RRS or something, 'cause I definitely never said anything like that. It was hugely fun, though, and probably the best part of this race.

You still need to vary your enemies a fair bit. The chaingun didn't really do that much, and the rest of the map was gausses and mines, where the gausses also didn't really do anything. The mines provided a pretty good threat if you broke the flow, which was good, but more close calls make the map more fun. All you can do with that is trial and error.

As for aesthetics, the mines and gold looked pretty weird sprayed out like that, though not horrible. You could've done something a little more interesting with the tiles as well. Just try playing around with the tiles that won't get in the way of gameplay.

Overall, a solid 3/5.


yeah i couldn't get a swing without blocking where you fly thru the first time. and on my first demo i got the end curve to chuck me to the door, but that was luck.
oh well, not bad for race #2 eh? :]

changed my mind

because at the end the flow breaks
and where you get the switch to open the door

Very Good RCE.



Demo Data