
Thumbnail of the map 'Hesitation'

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Author Godless
Tags author:godless hard playable rated rockets
Created 2009-06-15
Last Modified 2010-05-10
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description A few glitches that I was unable to attend to:

1) sometimes the rocket can travel through the trap door up near the middle. Dunno why.

2) If you're at the exit trigger and wait til all the rockets are gone, then walk out and quickly walk all the way back in and wait, a rocket goes right through the sliding door. >_O

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SHARKS!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ludwig van Beethoven' Thumbnail of the map 'Pachelbel's Cannon' Thumbnail of the map 'Sharks with Frikkin Lasers' Thumbnail of the map 'The Chase' Thumbnail of the map 'Thunder Mountain'
SHARKS!!! Ludwig van Beethoven Pachelbel's Cannon Sharks with Frikkin Lasers The Chase Thunder Mountain


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cheated ^^
Demo Data

Wow, Radium.

I've never seen such words by you... Especially when it's not a new concept. xD

pretty fun

i've seen this before :\
it was fun. and pretty creative too.

Demo Data

lol, this is tough, it's all about luck
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Demo Data

whoa! intense, too fast, dead, too slow, dead
Demo Data

pls make some new maps ^^


I tested the rockets a ton. It's supposed to be difficult. The doors there are to make it so it's not impossible ;D

During testing I could beat it about 4/10 times. That's good enough for me.

And yes I'm sure it's been done. But I took the tubes and made it fast paced with the 4 tiles. I thought that was slightly game-changing.

btw i need 2 or 3 tries ... not very hard


good map 4/5
but the next race map should have more space and more different enemies.
btw. why are there trap doors?

999 frames xD
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Don't be discouraged, it was a pretty neat idea for your first race.


This is basically a completely generic tube race with difficult chimney-ing.

Also you should really playtest the rockets more, finding a route all the way through is frustratingly unpredictable.
Demo Data

nice for a first. a launch pad next to the trigger would have been nice :D 3/5
Nice map though, I don't think anyone has put a 4 tile one the corners.