Note by Note

Thumbnail of the map 'Note by Note'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author eternal_moonlight
Tags author:eternal_moonlight music n-art note rated
Created 2009-06-17
Last Modified 2009-06-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first N-Art...Yikes!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Men. We Have Victory.' Thumbnail of the map 'Y?' Thumbnail of the map 'Critical Mass' Thumbnail of the map 'Northern Light' Thumbnail of the map 'Twister' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to the jungle'
Men. We Have Victory. Y? Critical Mass Northern Light Twister Welcome to the jungle


Pages: (0)

not terrible

but it's really poorly filled-in imo

2.5, rounded up for the slight 3-d effect


i dig it :D 4/5
than I'd ever put into an art map.
and it beats momo2by3 spam.
looks 3d-ish