
Thumbnail of the map 'Vampiric'

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Author ganteka
Tags author:ganteka needlebat rated
Created 2009-07-20
Last Modified 2009-07-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Far away from the pressures and stress of an upcoming mappack, I am a bat. Soaring through the air, catching bugs in my mouth and devouring them, swallowing them down my throat.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Fountainhead' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramid Scheme' Thumbnail of the map 'N s, Charading' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalactite' Thumbnail of the map 'Forbidden Forest'
The Fountainhead Prison Chamber Pyramid Scheme N s, Charading Stalactite Forbidden Forest


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I see someone has hade their daily dose of crescor!

For the record,

this is a 5mm. But I kinda see what you mean.

Over riobe's map.

Maps like this, from you, were what I was referring to. You have a simple layout, and a very straightforward concept here. The whole map is not only based around the concept, but is the concept. Sure, there can be multiple concepts, but this type of level seems to me to be much more conceptual in nature than riobe's levels, which are coated with movement, various types of polish, and auxiliary concepts. Complexity isn't the only thing that I was referring to, though. Riobe's maps are more sequential. Their gameplay constitutes a journey. Your type of map is more of a solid, one-time experience. I'm not saying either style is better.
still, a great challenge. aesthetics were rockin'
Demo Data



Demo Data
Making a pack should be enjoyable I think?

good 3.5/5

That is

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