jump the pyrimid

Thumbnail of the map 'jump the pyrimid'

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Author swordstab
Tags action author:swordstab gauss mines playable rockets unrated
Created 2010-04-20
Last Modified 2010-04-20
Map Data

Description jump it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bullet Storm'
Bullet Storm


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I have a ne map clled Fall Or The City.

What an awful map :/


lag is also a major problem with using many enemies, but that depends more on the speed of the player's computer.


The main problem with using a ton of enemies in a map tends to be enemy delay... (which mainly effects shooting enemies)
If you watch my demo, you should be able to see this since none of the chaingun or laser drones even begin to fire at me, and all of the gauss turrets are still aiming.

In other words, less enemies would be a better option.

(open maps also don't tend to work very well unless there is incentive to explore the open area)
Demo Data
that the chainguns and lasers never even fired on me :///