59-1 It´s a Turtle Thing

Thumbnail of the map '59-1 It´s a Turtle Thing'

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Author Jeremoon
Tags adventure author:jeremoon rated serie turtel
Created 2011-01-29
Last Modified 2011-01-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description pls rate and comment sometimes

Other maps by this author

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58-3 Irish Cocktail 58-4 Jimba Plasma Drone Chinese Garden 59-0 Lol Adventure Sucking Suck


Pages: (0)



sorry haha

i dont think karte means map, but i tried :P


Dies ist ein Spaß Karte. Ich mag die Türmchen und die grüne Feinde. Ich wusste nicht, wie die Raketen sehr viel, weil sie sehr schwer zu umfahren waren. aber ich werde Rate dieser Karte.

Pretty cool.

The first floorguard is a bit annoying till you figure it out. The rest is solid, though. 4.

First try:
Demo Data

loven that map

it's long and has an exploring feel
faved 4 later ;)

who rate?