Closet Atrocities

Thumbnail of the map 'Closet Atrocities'

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Author Life247
Tags action auralsex author:life247 chainguns collab rated
Created 2011-02-14
Last Modified 2011-02-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description <KinGAleX> Playtest your own maps.
<Aidiera> I need outside opinions as well.
<KinGAleX> No you don't.

I was making edits to this map [] and I somehow exited out of NReality. So I came back a day later to make the final version.

With lukesv, romaniac, maxson924, flagmyidol, Tommmy_Wiseau, and Sunset.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'caution to the winds' Thumbnail of the map 'Civil Civic' Thumbnail of the map 'Origins of a Galaxy' Thumbnail of the map 'Submission' Thumbnail of the map 'Blue Collar' Thumbnail of the map 'Ambigrambic Alphabet: G'
caution to the winds Civil Civic Origins of a Galaxy Submission Blue Collar Ambigrambic Alphabet: G


Pages: (0)

nice map and fun a lot...
Demo Data

Great tiles.

The gameplay could be slightly better. 3.5^


great gameplay and style

great gameplay and style

Actually you can playtest in 2 ways: as noob or as highscorer. Unless you're pulling off something High Concept.