Somewhat dda

Thumbnail of the map 'Somewhat dda'

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Author Epic4ever
Tags author:epic4ever dda rated
Created 2011-02-23
Last Modified 2011-02-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Just had a little fun

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Door and trap madness' Thumbnail of the map 'So Shining' Thumbnail of the map 'Get to the bomb shelter' Thumbnail of the map 'Press right will ya!'
Door and trap madness So Shining Get to the bomb shelter Press right will ya!


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For your information u need the ModMaster v1.4.....

I think you don´t know but only by n+ and n-reality exist the rotating laser.

Ok then i will start trying making maps with rotating lasers etc.....

Very boring.

Use as less launchpads and work on close calls.

Sorry to say this.

But I'm not impressed. I felt this DDA was just made in 5 minutes. DDAs take a lot of patience to make. Also, launchpads are really the best type of propulsion, there are so many more types like trap-door, locked door, glitched tile, bounceblock, etc.

Finally, the action is severely lacking. What Jeremoon means by "touch" is that you need close calls with enemies, mines don't count and to a lesser degree thwumps.

I know its your first, but it could of been done a little bit better. Generous 2/5

there is no action
The Ninja don´t "touch" any of the enemies
I know this is you first but try to make more action