
Thumbnail of the map 'Continuum'

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Author swipenet
Tags action agd author:swipenet fractal fun rated symmetrical
Created 2011-04-20
Last Modified 2011-04-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My submission for Fractal. Have fun, it's pretty easy. Go for speed agd's.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thor, God of Thunder' Thumbnail of the map 'Reserved' Thumbnail of the map 'Split Circuit' Thumbnail of the map 'Rarefaction' Thumbnail of the map 'Enthalpy' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 13'
Thor, God of Thunder Reserved Split Circuit Rarefaction Enthalpy Simple Challenge 13


Pages: (0)


how many highscores do you HAVE! :P

Hey there

Had great fun competing with you on NUMA 440 this week. But I think you finally got it fast enough that I can't come back against you. Congrats on the great run, it was that thwump push that gave you the final edge. Come join us more often on irc and the forums, we'd love to have you.


"I can recite/calculate powers of 2 up to 17179869184, powers of 3 up to 1594323, powers of 4 up to 17179869184, powers of 5 up to 1220703125, powers of 6 up to 279936, powers of 7 up to 823543, powers of 8 up to 8589934592, powers of 9 up to 531441 and powers of 10 up to a hundred googol."



Hey dude :D

You've been pretty much rocking in highscoring lately, specially in NReality but also you made really good runs in Metanet, which eventually made you into the 0th Rankings.
We, in the community, have been wondering how is that you havent joined us yet!
In case you didnt know, there are awesome forums for the metanet community, take a look here:
Though the highscoring and tournaments section will be the one you'll be looking for, for sure, this the most active part of the communnity nowadays:

Man, most of us are registered there, few metanet highscorers arent (macrohenry, gutland, etc).
There are several interesting threads there, specially:
- Metanet Highscore 0ths: we post all new 0ths there when we do them, so people is aware, and competition is encouraged
- Highscore Rankings: every 2 weeks or so (sometimes weekly, sometimes less often) TRO posts a rankings with an awesome rundown telling what happened last two weeks, new 0ths, etc. You can see the mewatnet 0th rankings, the top20 rankingsd, the total score rankings, and much more.
- Post a run: Here the members post runs they're proud of.
- The N Holy Church of Innovation: As you can guess here people post innovs of Metanet maps, and sometimes they're worth the 0th!
- Tool-Assisted Highscores/Speedruns: Here Raif posts his awesome MBD's (i supose you know whats that)

There are also contests and many more things continuosly, so how is that you havent joined us yet? :P Believe me, when you join you'll have awesome times hanging around here, and highscoring is much better and funnier if you keep in communication with the community, encouraging, making competition, etc. :)
There's also a Metanet chat in IRC:
- Server:
- Channels: #n-highscores, #n, and many more

Ill be waiting for your answer dude, you wont regret this :D
Sorry for jumping to conclusions. :p

don't worry []

It is fun!

Faved, with the intention of providing some competition at a later date.
Demo Data


Demo Data


competition is more than welcome.
Demo Data


have fun.
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