
Thumbnail of the map 'Office'

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Author Gioum
Tags action author:gioum mappack ndustrialize rockets unrated
Created 2011-05-09
Last Modified 2011-05-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ndustrialize 1-2

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Crane' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghost Town' Thumbnail of the map 'Wrench' Thumbnail of the map 'Koipen Tower' Thumbnail of the map 'Value Stock' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss Room'
The Crane Ghost Town Wrench Koipen Tower Value Stock Boss Room


Pages: (0)

as a advice

would be interesting to change the name of the maps already published, and lay at the beginning of each, the number (00-0, 00-1, 00-1, ..., 01-2, etc) as it is a mappack , and tomorrow someone can download all the maps and play together and in order. It may be interesting and that from now up to keep doing it.

As a mappack is AWESOME. 5/5