bye for like a month

Thumbnail of the map 'bye for like a month'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2013-04-02
Last Modified 2013-04-02
Map Data

Description i need to get my priorities in check for the final school tri and n game is not helping this cause at all

i'll get on still obviously but i'm not going to be mapping at all sorry

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '[ muffled rap music plays from coffee ]' Thumbnail of the map 'quarters by my cupside' Thumbnail of the map 'there is water underground' Thumbnail of the map 'volume v.u.' Thumbnail of the map 'are you having a laugh' Thumbnail of the map 'underground'
[ muffled rap music plays from coffee ] quarters by my cupside there is water underground volume v.u. are you having a laugh underground


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This should do it!

I'll take em if nobody else does but by all means offer em up. Thanks for asking though.



missing you already!
Demo Data


Demo Data


see ya, dude!


bye noob.
Demo Data

Bye then for a month!
Hope an awesome back from you in a month, and you know what I mean.
If you really don't touch N in a month, I'm pretty sure that the moment in you take it again later, your creative ideas, your procees, your output would be improved and exploited for sure in a month.
Then, I wait for some outstanding and creative maps in a near future, Sunset. ;)

this nullifies all my feature dates btw