New Glitch?

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Author greenpencil
Tags author:greenpencil test unrated
Created 2006-04-22
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Why does the laser drone still see N?

Other maps by this author

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Lol launch pads (remix) Launchers V 1.0 Simple Challenge Super Mario World Simple Challenge 2 Super Mario World


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all you have to do is move...and it no longer sees the ninja

so its not that it sees the ninja, its that you dont move, and it originally attacked that point whn it could see the ninja, therefor, no movement updates and therefor it continues to attack in that spot...its not really much of a glitch...

and its a ninja, and his name is not n, n is the path he follows...
Demo Data

It's new to me

pretty cool.