bite the bullet and be it

Thumbnail of the map 'bite the bullet and be it'

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Author Orange
Tags action author:orange fun playable rated simple symmetry
Created 2008-06-29
Last Modified 2008-06-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description "Ok," said Judiciary Pag again, "so we won." He paused and chewed a little gum. "We won," he repeated, "but that's no big deal. I mean a medium-sized galaxy against one little world, and how long did it take us? Clerk of the Court?"
"M'lud?" said the severe little man in black, rising.
"How long, kiddo?"
"It is a trifle difficult, m'lud, to be precise in this matter. Time and distance..."
"Relax, guy, be vague."
"I hardly like to be vague, m'lud, over such a..."
"Bite the bullet and be it."
"Er, well, m'lud, very approximately, two thousand years," the Clerk murmured unhappily.
"And how many guys zilched out?"
"Two grillion, m'lud." The Clerk sat down. A hydrospectic photo of him at this point would have revealed that he was steaming slightly.
Judiciary Pag gazed around the courtroom.
"That's a whole lotta stiffs," he said quietly.

Simple, symmetrical (which I don't often do) map. If a simple map can be just as good as a complex one, why bother making complex maps?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wrested Wick of the Watch' Thumbnail of the map 'Quaint' Thumbnail of the map 'Dodecahendrix' Thumbnail of the map 'Wispbeach Sandmansion' Thumbnail of the map 'The Domain of the King' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyclis Destructa'
Wrested Wick of the Watch Quaint Dodecahendrix Wispbeach Sandmansion The Domain of the King Cyclis Destructa


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Very nice


Really Cool
Demo Data

Nice map dude.

I love obscure hitchhikers references. The Kricket are some nasty buggers, aren't they?
