The Chaos Theory.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Chaos Theory.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author punchowns
Tags author:punchowns chaos insane rated
Created 2008-08-09
Last Modified 2008-08-09
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description this made me laggggggggggg.....

your fucked now N

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Steal the Jewel!' Thumbnail of the map 'Steal the Jewel! (for the experts)' Thumbnail of the map 'Target Practice' Thumbnail of the map 'Laughable.' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos Theory: Nobody Loves Me..' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos Theory: Red Star, Impenetrable.'
Steal the Jewel! Steal the Jewel! (for the experts) Target Practice Laughable. Chaos Theory: Nobody Loves Me.. Chaos Theory: Red Star, Impenetrable.


Pages: (0)

I wonder

if I can play this...

I spy 2 seeker drones



it actually looks like you DIDN'T just muck around doing stupid weird stuff. 3/5. Meh................................................................................................................................................................


if you made us thought this would be an (abstrakt) n-art people would rate this better.
I think it's nice.

hey myrrhman -

my avatar is a Pollock painting lol. the name of the painting is "lavender mist". google it.
anyway, i'm strangely attracted to this. it has some nice patterns and is colourful.'s a piece of junk, though. no rating, although it would be low if i did.

his name is N!

his name is N, well.. thats what i think


like 20 minutes of mindlessly clicking lol. Thanks for the feedback, i thought this was gonna be complete trash lol
this does not. doesn't discredit it, but it's not pollock.

Looks like

"Find Holger" is it called in danish - A game with the goal of finding one person or object in a picture with many simular details - NR


Demo Data
to make this?


4/5 rating

i always thought

he was just...a ninja. i suppose he really COULD be called N, after all :d


Aight then.

By the way, does he even have a name?
'your fucked now N'


Jackson Pollock, N-style.

...Surely you knew that...?

his name's not N

- one million points.


8912 ms/f


...It's like some N Jackson Pollock up in here.

Shamelessly 5aved