
Thumbnail of the map 'Zeus'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Circle
Tags author:circle god greek rated swan whoa zeus
Created 2008-08-28
Last Modified 2008-08-28
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description what was up with numa?
dedication to player_03
i really liked this

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heptagons' Thumbnail of the map 'Octagon' Thumbnail of the map 'Swinging on Vines' Thumbnail of the map 'CombLands' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside Out, Bouncin Off the Ceilings' Thumbnail of the map 'Running Around in Circles'
Heptagons Octagon Swinging on Vines CombLands Inside Out, Bouncin Off the Ceilings Running Around in Circles


Pages: (0)

The tileset

is beautiful.

The gameplay
is beautiful

The length
is perfect.

My completion
isn't. (5)
Demo Data

NReality all gold.

This is shmexy!

Much loveeee(:
Demo Data

Faster completion

Demo Data


Fun map
Demo Data

Speed completion

I like this style. Very good.
Demo Data

Very good map

one of my favorites in a while. The aesthetics were great especially the gold patterns the exit switch had quite innovative gameplay. 5aved

I like everything!!

its a bit short though and I really dont like the trap doors
The modded tramp confuzzled me a bit, I got a completion on NReality, but far from a AGD.

Plz rce some of my maps, Comment even if you dont like them, please give tips (except my first maps, just comment) and btw, I thought your name was circe the first time I looked at it (stupid reading about gods and stuff...*mutters*)
Is it just me?



i fixed it sorry


I've never heard of player_01