Subliminal Denominator

Thumbnail of the map 'Subliminal Denominator'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author condog_111
Tags author:condog_111 mines nreality objectmod rated specialtrigger tncc
Created 2008-08-30
Last Modified 2008-08-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Hey look at that. A map.

For TNCC Week 4. Trigger mines, AI.

Just play it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Hotel Denouement' Thumbnail of the map 'Foolproof, they said.' Thumbnail of the map 'Rotodrome' Thumbnail of the map 'Colloderscope' Thumbnail of the map 'Photon Phinish' Thumbnail of the map 'Score you on the rebound'
The Hotel Denouement Foolproof, they said. Rotodrome Colloderscope Photon Phinish Score you on the rebound


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Love it.

like it

not love it 3.5/5
Then again, that's just my favorite mod, so I'd love it anyway. XD


Very nice concept

But way too hard. Cut the mines in half. Its way too hard to beat the mines while avoiding other mines and a chaingun.


o_O Nice! AGD would be very hard tho.