Chrome Claws

Thumbnail of the map 'Chrome Claws'

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Author Msyjsm
Tags action author:msyjsm claws rated
Created 2008-09-07
Last Modified 2008-09-07
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I originally didn't have those one-ways there, but I figured that would be too hard for 99.99% of you guys.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Phantasm Fortress' Thumbnail of the map 'Tempus Ambulat' Thumbnail of the map 'Islands' Thumbnail of the map 'Talking' Thumbnail of the map 'Angler' Thumbnail of the map 'POWER DRILL'
Phantasm Fortress Tempus Ambulat Islands Talking Angler POWER DRILL


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i would have preferred a rocket in there somewhere; this had a very empty feeling. 4/5 nevertheless.


with oneways.
Great tileset, well placed gold, but I dislike the switch placements ;P
Demo Data

@Meta_Ing: Nice job! I have never given out a ded, aside from the facetious one to Arcangelo, so this is a very special occasion.

@fishbone: Thanks!
But nonetheless, I did it.
Demo Data

gold looks

really cool

I was so close!

I got the gold first, and went for the switches afterwards... I was just about to get the last switch (the one on the right at the beginning, when I hit the launchpad, fell to the ground, and died...




It would just have to be an AGD, wouldn't it... :P

I was originally planning to only do a completion without the oneways so that there would be less chance of me having to try 500 times, but I guss I'll go for it now.


I'll give you a ded if you can pull off an AGD without the one-ways.
It's wierd, because in the beginning, I can get the switch on the left without any trouble at all, but the one on the right I always mess up on...

I should be able to get it though.


Demo Data