
Thumbnail of the map 'ChooseMe'

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Author bugfinder
Tags author:bugfinder betaversion choose-your-own cool playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-09-09
Last Modified 2008-09-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is playable, but it isn't finish. If you like it, tell it to me and I will make the final version.

Other maps by this author

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Flying in the Sky My First DDA Big Smoke


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It's very good but it's missing a little something. I'd love to see whatever comes out of this. 4'd

It was okay

but not good enough to do again without some re-vamping
The maze idea was good, and you got the door-erie concept down pat, but some parts didn't work out (like the part with the mines). If you were to make another one, you could use the same concept, (ie-a maze), but instead of having a door close if you go wrong, have a normal drone moving along the path hit you. Also, mines could be used (sometimes as a dead end, sometimes with a door forming in front of it to be the true path, but look like a dead end).
Needless to say, it would have to be long, but that isn't hard.
On this map->
some tiles were not used on any of the paths, but it is only a beta version. If you make another one, let me know.
Demo Data