
Thumbnail of the map 'a;fonik_'

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Author TribulatioN
Tags action author:tribulation featured playable rated
Created 2008-09-15
Last Modified 2008-09-15
by 29 people.
Map Data

Description Crunk.

This map was featured on 2009-06-04

Every little ninja who grows up and starts elementary school gets to read the same picture book on their first day of class. It's titled "Mr. Ninja and the Predators", and the colorful illustrated pages cheerfully explain how most things in the world exist only to hunt down ninjas and kill them in the most brutal ways imaginable. On page 23 the book explains Laser Drones, and how they commonly like to travel in packs of 4 or more. The book also explains how to avoid them.

Do you remember reading that page? I hope you do. — PALEMOON

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Classic' Thumbnail of the map 'Defect 52' Thumbnail of the map 'Malibu Acid' Thumbnail of the map '"PLU 4022"' Thumbnail of the map 'Life in Technicolor' Thumbnail of the map 'Halcyon'
Classic Defect 52 Malibu Acid "PLU 4022" Life in Technicolor Halcyon


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faved-- loved everything about this.
Demo Data

I haven't played the map yet (but intend to do so), but I just wanted to say: PALEMOON, I love you. Brilliant review.

TribulatioN has other maps more worthy of a feature, I'm not a fan of this map at all


I didn't enjoy this at all. It was so bland and uneventful that I felt bored most of the time.

Congrats on the feature, TribulatioN, and a wonderful review, palemoon, but this just didn't do it for me.

jeez you guys

some drones decide not to move and the world is collapsing around your ears


generally, im bad at n, and this isnt an exception... & once again...well, never mind XD



The fastest one yet.

I simultaneously loved and hated the floorguard on the one-ways by the exit. Loved it because it was so greatly placed, and hated it because it was so greatly placed to kill a great run at the end.
Demo Data


I didn't read anything about PARALYSED laser drones...

THAT class?

I flunked it
Demo Data


I really like the review, but those lasers could've been used much more effectively.
Demo Data


Use of space was a little off...maybe (as others suggested) use the top half more. If their stationary, more than one drone is overkill...throwing a little motion in would maybe spice it up. Overall though, much better than anything I do.


more of a stealth map. and a very good one at that
A bit of a let down. I thought the lasers wold be cool, but they were actually just kind of lame. The fact that there were 4 didn't help them out one bit. The floorguards were just tedious. 2.5/5


can't really say that I enjoyed this map, I'm afraid ;_;

wohoo.. 0th

not gonna last long though. gud map! 4

This map is crunk.

Slow AGD:
Demo Data


"The floorchasers work well, and the lasers are great. Imo the gold placement looks kinda ugly, but I could be wrong."

Yeah. I almost completely agree. I just don't like all the floorguards as much as you seem to.

good call blackcat

my style would proabably put a few little tiles up there with a some gold, use those laser drones more. then again, that wouldnt look like an _a;fonik_ then.

Static drones



Nice feature.




boeing demo
Demo Data


Quite good though not so sure about all the gold. Good use of floorguards and zap drones, could have maybe had some gold and mines up at the top as well as down below?

2nd the 3

it is fun to get the switch.



i didnt know this floorguard could move like this!! :/

also 1-2 lucky close calls in this demo..
Demo Data


NaN'd objects!
The floorchasers work well, and the lasers are great. Imo the gold placement looks kinda ugly, but I could be wrong. 4.

pretty nice,

i like the gold/mines and the tileset.
The tileset and them combined really set a good mood for the map; Love the tileset as well. Not so crazy about the gold placement, though; not half as fun to get as the door switch. A solid 4/5.

Loved it 5/5