Dronies 2008 - Get your votes in today!

Thumbnail of the map 'Dronies 2008 - Get your votes in today!'

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Author official_NUMA
Tags author:official_numa dronies2008 featured rated
Created 2008-11-12
Last Modified 2008-11-13
by 75 people.
Map Data

Description It's that time of year again!

The annual n awards are upon us, and with only 20 days to go you don't have long to nominate.

Remember, you won't be able to vote your favourites to win an award if they've not been put forward by the 30th.

A full list of categories, regulations and how to submit your nominations can be found here []


This map was featured on 2008-11-18

I'm using today's featured slot to draw attention to the 2008 Dronies.

Currently, the guys running this haven't received enough nominations to make this event all it could be. They'd really appreciate you taking the time to search for a nominee in every category if possible. Nominations close on the 30th, so get them in ASAP!

REMEMBER: If you don't nominate it [], you can't vote for it! — astheoceansblue


And I think that it's really nice to have such an account.
Cool idea ^^.

great map,

lolz "145"145"

Nice Tileset



just submitted my nominations, and since it's getting kind of late I'm gonna put my feature up now

for NUMA

what is the summarized version of what the dronies are?


ill be subbing my nominations wink wink nudge nudge.

All gold demo.

Fun map.
Demo Data

Deleted comments

If you want to debate your opinions on the way this promotion has been handled, then take it to the forums.

I think we'd all prefer if we could all get behind this and actively help promote this event so the community as a whole can benefit, thanks.

This map is great

Very fun, nice and open.


Demo Data

One of the better

features around here recently.



you'll have to ask lord_day. PM him on the forum.


you must have some favourites from the past year: a favourite author, map, demo?

Even if you can't choose for every category, it would really be appreciated if you could nominate where you can.

also, can the demos be on nreality maps?


I dont think i going to nominate someone but i will definetly vote
anyone have awesome demo suggestions?

since you can't search for demos/comments.


plus completion (after all thats what its supposed to be)

ill vote soon.
Demo Data


Exactly 500 frames.
Demo Data





for words


Remember to check the favourites of your own favourite authors, they're a great place to discover maps you might have missed.
All I did was make the map and put it here.

That so many of you have got behind this account in a positive way is really cool, the dronies needed more attention and you've all helped that.

Thank you very much :)
I'll try to get a few nominations in.
I think everyone should know that dronies nominations have begun. I only got 1 nominee though.
But other people will know more ^^

as an admin
Not atobs powers as a mod to keep a map up here. :)


It's kinda obvious atob is keeping it at the top of the page.
But considering what it stands for, and that its actually an excellently constructed map, I think this map deserves the attention its getting.


I voted after you.
Demo Data

Another 5



knows how long it'll be here without that vote.