Moonlight Hill

Thumbnail of the map 'Moonlight Hill'

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Author _Null
Tags author:_null hill moonlight n-art nart non-playable rated
Created 2008-12-03
Last Modified 2008-12-03
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description I decided to get into the holiday season with some sort of N map. Surprisingly, this came out. So, I give you the famous Moonlight Hill from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Overall, I am happy on how it turned out, even though there is a few bugs in it. (I forgot to color the very tip of the hill. My computer was just about to crash from loading the map and I didn't want to risk it.) I think the map has over 1,000 objects, but I didn't bother counting. I'm just going to say a lot. []

Go have some fun, you guys.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Phase Shift' Thumbnail of the map '2D' Thumbnail of the map 'Eyes of The Operation' Thumbnail of the map 'Introduction' Thumbnail of the map 'Some Tough Resistance' Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunking Is A Cool Word'
Phase Shift 2D Eyes of The Operation Introduction Some Tough Resistance Spelunking Is A Cool Word


Pages: (0)


wow, that is a perfect circle, you must've spent so much time getting it right to the pixel O_O, reminds me of Tim Burton, which is great :D

how do you make the perfect circles?!?!


That's awesome. Saw the movie, gotta give it a 5/5! Nice work!


the boogeyman?
'cause im da boogeyman!And if you aren't a-shaking, theres something very wrong, cause this may be the last time ya hear the boogey-ey song!

crap! :o



saw the movie. 5/5

Thanks for the support guys. I might decide to revamp this nart later and make it look better, so stay tuned for that sometime in the future, sometime before x-mas.

@ eganic, I'll try.

AAh ah!!

make more make Jack the Pumpkin King, then oogie boogie, then shock, lock and barrel, then the mayor :D
It would look better if you put another switch at those places


this is great

not the best but great

(can u check my lasts 2 maps? thankz)
Not quite as good when you blow it up.

i like it


not bad

but deffinately not the best

