Shadows of Lost Serenity

Thumbnail of the map 'Shadows of Lost Serenity'

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Author furry_ant
Tags author:furry_ant lost of serenity shadows tileset unrated
Created 2009-01-31
Last Modified 2009-01-31
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description We hold on to our shadows of serenity for we fear the loss of our tranquility.

please credit me if you use it :]

Other maps by this author

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Pariah Cliffside Cathedral A Sense of Purpose Inhuman Crying Out To Chaos Zombie Technology Factory


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you could try with this if you want :]


i know what you mean but i used the 4 tiles because i dont think ive ever used them in a map or tileset before and i suppose i wanted to try something a bit different.
i could try with this

this reminds

me of my cousins tattoo, its the the contenants layed out and its dripping, that'd be an awesome tileset O_O

i'll use it

if no one else wants to use it


that was pretty much what is was kinda meant to be.

a kind of waterfall temple thing.

That's cool

It looks like it's dripping. 4/5