
Thumbnail of the map 'Anything'

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Author wumbla
Tags action author:wumbla puzzle rated
Created 2009-02-20
Last Modified 2009-02-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Everything

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wumbology' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly' Thumbnail of the map 'Guardian of the Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancer' Thumbnail of the map 'Take You Higher' Thumbnail of the map '02-02 Diamond'
Wumbology Fly Guardian of the Sky Dancer Take You Higher 02-02 Diamond


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i liked it.

and had fun. the gold should have been more curvy, like the mines. especially the gold in the side part. i felt that that would have really improved the aesthetics and the overall unity of the map. 4/5


Don't you think that the simple challenge of the minejumper part would be boring, I put the chaingun so you will have to 'race' until the chaingun came in, I didn't want to keep the "main idea" the same or else it woud of gotten repetitive. There was no "lack of challenge" at the beggining because you were 'racing' the chaingun. Just sayin'.

Eh, I dunno.

It seemed to lack challenge at the beginning. Actually, I think it was more that the minejumping part and the chaingun drone part didn't really match. It's better to have a similar challenge throughout the level, sort of like keeping a main idea.
It was well designed, and had a cool tileset, so it doesn't deserve any less than 3/5.


That's so hard