
Thumbnail of the map 'simple'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author destiny56
Tags author:destiny56 dda easier easy rated
Created 2009-07-10
Last Modified 2009-07-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description easy

Other maps by this author

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yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! follow the coins and you'll be safe crazy2


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'New' concepts aren't new here anymore, because as long as NUMA has been around, every idea has been tried. This is a very common idea by new mapmakers here.

So if you plan on archiving maps here for yourself, or just for your own enjoyment, go right ahead. But if you want to become a good, respected mapmaker, my advice is: Stick to making regular, fun, and easy/medium-difficulty maps.

Or if you do feel like trying something crazy, disabling ratings lets people know that its an idea that's experimental, and they can't rate bad anyway.


NO enemies.. spam... and useless bounce blocks.... 1/5