throw yourself at the ground and miss

Thumbnail of the map 'throw yourself at the ground and miss'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fishsicles
Tags author:fishsicles interior mines rated
Created 2009-08-28
Last Modified 2009-08-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I'd be surprised if anyone still remembers me here on NUMA! I've had some computer issues [] that I had to eventually fix myself [], and so I've not had much time for mapping.

On an unrelated note, this map is dedicated to Peter Chiykowski of the webcomic Rock, Paper, Cynic for actually listening to fan comments, more particularly those of a user named 'fishsiclesify' (becausefishsicleswaslareadytaken to his friends), on a YouTube video of his []. The result of this listening is on his website today, earning him three Official Fishsicles Awesome Points.*

I'm going to get to a regular mapping schedule again, or at least that is the lie I'm telling myself. Apologies for the really long post. This map's probably not as good as my most recent ones, it's more of a tileset than anything else.

* Official Fishsicles Awesome Points are not an actual currency. They are merely for the sake of Awesome.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'endless' Thumbnail of the map 'useless pursuits' Thumbnail of the map 'epiphany' Thumbnail of the map 'shattering cry' Thumbnail of the map 'unkempt' Thumbnail of the map 'eternity'
endless useless pursuits epiphany shattering cry unkempt eternity


Pages: (0)


sorry about not having many maps or rates recently. AP classes are devouring my brains like starving zombies.

Decent speedrun.

Demo Data


Plays better than I expected. A lot.
Demo Data


but not great. 3/5
Demo Data

fun map

good gameply, fun jumps, good mine placement IMO....4aved............agd hopefully posting faster soon
Demo Data


wrong map :D, i'll correct