AHHHH!!!! FIRE!!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'AHHHH!!!! FIRE!!!!'

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Author FailN
Tags author:failn cool fire first map race rated
Created 2009-12-18
Last Modified 2009-12-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description LOL a rocket race and first race. Enjoy it it´s very cool. The flow isn´t so good :(

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Relict' Thumbnail of the map 'The Chronik Lasers' Thumbnail of the map 'The Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'The Kulturroom' Thumbnail of the map 'Only a little storm' Thumbnail of the map 'A Cow Tail'
The Relict The Chronik Lasers The Rock The Kulturroom Only a little storm A Cow Tail


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agree with destiny.

better than most first's though ^^
though enemies are excelllent based on what i got up too. ^^
try smoothening it out. I'm not the race-mapmaker, but if a race is without flow, it's not a proper race.

Wait, nevermind

I figured it out.

I think it's good for a first, and you have some great ideas in there. I think you need to try and make the flow less obstructive and chunky.
Demo Data
this happens like, every time.
Demo Data

up to here

... i like it
Demo Data