When I Come Around

Thumbnail of the map 'When I Come Around'

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Author Ferox
Tags action author:ferox featured rated
Created 2010-04-27
Last Modified 2010-04-27
by 45 people.
Map Data

Description Enjoy.

This map was featured on 2010-05-09

High above the ground, a collection of debris floats - recently unsettled by mining on the surface of the planet below. The mining conglomerates often use dynamite which blasts the gold rich soil high into the air, with the expectation that it will inevitably fall and be able to be collected by the workers in the area. It isn’t often that mistakes are made, but should the explosion prove too powerful, it is theoretically possible that the dirt, and the gold it harbors, will be sent so high that it will never fall again. Well, not theoretically, anymore.

~squibbles — toasters

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Coffee Shop' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tea House' Thumbnail of the map 'No Time to Search the World Around' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakdown' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Man's Chest' Thumbnail of the map 'Fear'
The Coffee Shop The Tea House No Time to Search the World Around Breakdown Dead Man's Chest Fear


No demo



oh, whatever Chris

I've been writing like this for way longer then you, for sure. I remember the first Creature Feature, mine were in this style and yours weren't.

Pretty sure you're stealing /my/ style. :P

um, yes?

That's just my style though.

Squibbles is stealing it.


'Minimalist maps have one purpose: to be fun while using the least amount of objects possible.'

I disagree. I don't try and put as few objects as I can into a map when I am going for minimalism. I might try and keep the object count low, and keep the map to it's base elements, but that doesn't mean I am trying to use as few objects as possible.

Also, is it the new feature trend to make some sort of backstory for the maps you feature?

Okay here goes...

T3chno and Onesevennine, from the previous comments page.

Now, seeing as it is featured, it's feature-worthy, but that word doesn't mean a damn thing.


who said it was minimalistic?
'Minimalism' is a word thrown around much too often in today's lexicon, insofar that the word has almost lost its meaning. Please don't use this word improperly.

Minimalist maps have one purpose: to be fun while using the least amount of objects possible. This means that each and every object is scrutinized and examined to determine whether or not it is essential to the map.

Minimalism maps are often confused with 'ten minute maps' or 10MM, the difference being that ten minute maps have objects which are unnecessary (but allowed). Minimalism maps cannot be cluttered or 'padded' and focus on gameplay rather than looks.


That being said, this map is not a minimalist map, it is a ten minute map. The launchpad, the oneways, two of the mines, and arguably the floorguard are all filler in the map. The gameplay is horribly linear, the tiles are bland and tasteless, and the overall look reminds me of something my cat coughed up last night. I give this map gets a 1.5 up.

2 features in one week

cherio chap


Not the *Best* Best. 3.5 up


here [].

haha, just kidding.

I can't remember if I posted before because there's so many comments. Congratulations Ferox for the repeat.
People have been hating on featured maps lately. If I don't like the featured map I go here [].


I prefer


It makes me sound like an evil German mastermind.
i think this map could use some more challenge or some more interesting things to do. as it is it just does not have enough stuff to make it interestig
Demo Data

Really poor map.


Ferox has much better, this was an /awful/ choice for a feature.

The review wasn't decent enough, though I prefer more direct reference to the map itself.

You guys don't have to slap "imo" tags on everything you say. If squibbs likes the map and thinks it's worthy of a feature, that's his deal. Don't put him down. If you've seen his maps then you'd know he likes these kinds of maps. The reviewer has the choice of what to feature, and that's why /he/ is the reviewer. Numa's staff is not full of asses that don't know what they are doing. They make smart choices in their staff additions. If you think the features are not good enough, then get off your whiny ass and become a reviewer. I'm sick of you people bitching about every map that isn't up to your standards. Not two people on this site will share the exact same tastes in maps, and you will have to deal with that.

By the way, congrats Ferox.


I... wow.

just a f***ing feature, people! NUMA obviously takes up to (sic) much of your lives."

You get a feature and all you can do is attack others?

I love squibbles. >:|


dont rely think this map deserves a feature
Demo Data
too short, not much to play, small and boring. not feature worthy..


what? this got a featured? I want a featured. 2/5


I liked it.
...dumb as hell. All of them.

A 3...

Personally I like short, sweet maps, although I never seem to be able to make 'em myself. Still, imo, this one is somewhat too short, and didn't give me any feel of completion. Wouldn't have featured it myself, had I the power to do so.
Demo Data

I made from tha 2

a 3 :)


just a f***ing feature, people! NUMA obviously takes up to much of your lives.


is a relative term, in other words. If someone likes a map, then it may be considered feature-worthy by that person. You talk as if feature-worthiness is like, what my previous review said, some sort of nirvana. Kind of like flow is talked about. If a map is featured, then it is feature-worthy and that's all that matters.
Feature-worthiness is in the eye of the reviewer.


congrats on the second feature nontheless Ferox


it´s a little bit fun, but especially the gold - part is annoying. i don´t understand either why this is featured. It doesn´t look special and the gameplay isn´t a big thing. agd 2/5
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