10) Get to the King

Thumbnail of the map '10) Get to the King'

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Author BluePretzel
Tags author:bluepretzel boat castle pirate potsg series unrated
Created 2010-10-15
Last Modified 2010-10-15
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oh my god, it's another PirateOfTheSunGod level... about 8 months old with 1 edit. Enjoy! ^^

"Wow, its a maze in here!" exclaimed N. He thought through it. King Duncan would be at the top keep, so N knew he would have to find the keys to a lot of doors to get there. He could save time by scaling some of the walls.
"There'll be a lot of gold in this place. I don't want to lose the king's respect, but maybe I'll take a little..."

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '19-0 Foilcork City' Thumbnail of the map '19-1 Primitive Behaviour' Thumbnail of the map '19-2 Ditched 4 Speed' Thumbnail of the map 'Bazoombie' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump for it' Thumbnail of the map 'Evacuate the Bridge!'
19-0 Foilcork City 19-1 Primitive Behaviour 19-2 Ditched 4 Speed Bazoombie Jump for it Evacuate the Bridge!


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check out my new map []!
1196 frames
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Sorry for the delay, I was on a trip ;D
1598 frames
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the dam is overflowing cause of all this rain, which we'll have basically all summer, (so they say) although there's been a dramatic contrast to this weather for the weekend - now its all sunny... (YESSSSSSSSS) and we also have a public holiday tommorow (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) i went to see the dam on saturday, and it took like an hour to get there, then another hour to get through the traffic at the actual dam, then we spent another hour at the dam watching it then another HOUR to get back. hey, it was pretty spectcular but not THAT spectacular. i think its all pretty rediculous, really. i mean i couldve spent all that time on the XboX...

hey that's ok :D

don't worry about it :)

Awesome map!!!

5/5 :D

Could you put this in your "tts" mappack? I think it's really cool :D []
it has kinda infected my life. :D I have a few maps in storage.. I think.. I'll probably post something later tonight.


Lol, how old is this map?
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Have fun playin one of mah n00b maps :P
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